The Ultimate Guide to Columbus — jetsetpassport

Columbus is the capital of Ohio and the state’s largest individual city. It is the 14th-most popular city in the United States and making it one of the fastest growing large cities in the nation. Columbus lies on the Scioto River, where it is joined by the Olentangy. Alongside side the river, the Scioto Mile […]

via The Ultimate Guide to Columbus — jetsetpassport

Getting Ready For A Trip | Travel Resources & Tips — jetsetpassport

Are you going on an trip? Let me help –Get my best tips your inbox! Find the right visas iVisa iVisa Application Page Travel Insurance | Protect your pretty face I strongly recommended to travel with a travel insurance. You might not want to spend money on this, but fees could be horrible without a…

via Getting Ready For A Trip | Travel Resources & Tips — jetsetpassport

Top 9 Things to Consider Before Traveling With Someone

Great read!


img_7430-e1543528104444.jpgSource: jetsetpassport

We all have those friends and family members that want to travel together, but deep down we know we could never. It’s a fact of life that people have their own ways of living, in this case traveling styles matter! That’s why it’s important to make careful considerations when choosing your travel buddies. Whether it’s your family, a significant other, a new friend or just a group of people you’ve never traveled with before—there’s a lot to think about beforehand. Beware, traveling will reveal your biggest pet peeves, quirks, and insecurities!

Going on a trip soon? Or planning a trip? Here are 9 things to discuss before committing to taking an adventure with someone/group of people.

  1. Budget

It’s awkward, but budgetingis the utmost important thing; you must talk about it before booking any flights or accommodations! Financial inequality often is an issue when traveling with someone or…

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Bloodsucking nightmare in Amsterdam — jetsetpassport

As a traveler, one thing that is certain is that you will be staying in many different places which also means sleeping in many different beds. This, unfortunately, comes with the risk of getting bit by bedbugs! Before I start, I just want to clarify that bedbug problems are just as likely to occur in […]

via Bloodsucking nightmare in Amsterdam — jetsetpassport

The Ultimate Guide to Columbus — jetsetpassport

Columbus is the capital of Ohio and the state’s largest individual city. It is the 14th-most popular city in the United States and making it one of the fastest growing large cities in the nation. Columbus lies on the Scioto River, where it is joined by the Olentangy. Alongside side the river, the Scioto Mile […]

via The Ultimate Guide to Columbus — jetsetpassport

Finding Time to Travel while Working a Full-Time Job — jetsetpassport

More than half of my family & friends don’t believe that I have a job. Well, to put the record straight, the majority of this past year I have been pass porting around the world but have also had a full-time job all year around. Usually people wonder how I travel as much as I […]

via Finding Time to Travel while Working a Full-Time Job — jetsetpassport

Steps for Planning Your First Trip Aboard — jetsetpassport

You’ve booked your tickets to travel abroad, so you are already on your way to traveling internationally. However, when it comes to ensuring a successful trip, planning is everything! One of the few major downsides of traveling, prior to experiencing a new destination, is the stressful experience of packing your suitcase before you take off. There is […]

via Steps for Planning Your First Trip Aboard — jetsetpassport

Knowing Your “Why” When It Comes To Traveling — jetsetpassport

Picture Above is from My Instagram Travel Page: jetsetpassport I think its important before any traveler sets foot on a new place, there are a lot of questions one should ask themselves. Most of the questions should start with “what,” “how” or “when.” When was the last time you asked yourself “why” you travel? Understanding your […]

via Knowing Your “Why” When It Comes To Traveling — jetsetpassport